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Better humanitarian responses to sexual and reproductive health and rights in crises





Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services are lifesaving in humanitarian crises of all kinds, with needs rising even amidst political opposition and funding gaps as large as $2.7 billion. Globally, crisis settings account for 61% of maternal mortalities, 53% of under-five deaths and 45% of neonatal deaths. Building on emerging evidence by the Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI, as well as expert views from health practitioners, international humanitarian actors and experts based in crisis settings, this conversational panel will explore the persistent gaps in SRHR response in crises and the overlapping barriers that crisis-affected people face to fully enjoying their health and rights.

Emphasis will be given to developing cross-sectoral, locally-led and participatory processes for health service design and delivery that are grounded in critical health needs and a holistic approach to SRHR. Speakers will bring their experience to bear on how service gaps impact harder-to-reach communities, including women, youth and people with diverse SOGIESC. The session will also explore the responsibility of humanitarians to ensure that the SRHR needs of crisis-affected people are met, engaging with IHL and IHRL as mechanisms for protecting SRHR provision and access in humanitarian crises.

Organisers: Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI, Government of Ireland, Palestinan Women's Humanitarian Organisation, Feminist Humanitarian Network, International Planned Parenthood Federation, UNFPA

Opening remarks: Nicole McHugh, Humanitarian Director, Irish Aid

Speakers :


Megan Daigle, Senior Research Fellow, Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI

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