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The Humanitarian Talks are a series of discussions led by stakeholders in the humanitarian community. They provide an opportunity to debate issues not on the main agenda of the Forum and to focus on the concrete delivery of humanitarian support by showcasing initiatives driven by partners, Members States and practitioners. The Talks will focus on specific humanitarian issues and crises or solutions for the delivery of support. They are proposed and led by partners and Member States.



20th March Programme



Room: Cinema

Access - Ensuring the safety and security of humanitarian and medical personnel in armed conflict - Moving from words to action

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Room: Riverside 1

Access - Destroying essential services is killing innocent people – can we stop it now? 

Sincerest apologies to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, FDFA and Switzerland as we could not record nor webstream the entire session due to a technical issue.

LUNCH: 12:15-14:00

Room: Riverside Area


Room: Cinema

Climate change - Averting, Minimizing and Addressing Disaster Displacement: Partnerships and Integrated Approaches for Action and Support 

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Room: Riverside 1 

Funding Gap - Uprooted minds: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Displacement

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Room: Cinema

Funding Gap - Expanding anticipatory action: crises and conflict, diseases outbreaks, food insecurity

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Room: Riverside 1 

Climate change - Humanitarian Leadership in a fractured world

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Room: Cinema

AccessHow to prevent and respond to sexual violence in conflict settings: Turning IHL commitments into action

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Room: Riverside 1 

Access - From commitments to Action: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Response

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Plenary: 17:15-18:30

Room: Auditorium


21th March Programme



Room: Cinema

Access - Localization of the Humanitarian Response in Ukraine

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Room: Riverside 1 

Climate change - Nexus "Cash" (Efficiency) in Anticipatory Action and Social Protection

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Room: Riverside 6

Access - Shifting the Architecture of Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts 

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Room: Cinema

Access - Better humanitarian responses to sexual and reproductive health and rights in crises 

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Room: Riverside 1 

Access - Ukraine crisis one year on: What does the data say about humanitarian conditions? 

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Room: Riverside 6

Climate change - Addressing the triple nexus and climate security challenge

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LUNCH: 12:30-14:15

Room: Riverside Area


Room: Cinema

Access - Starved from Life: Protecting Children from the Effects of Hunger Crises

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Room: Riverside 1 

Funding Gap - Bridging the nexus gap: the role of innovative finance in the humanitarian sector

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Room: Riverside 6

Funding Gap - Collaboration for expanded refugee outcomes: evidence-based targeting and inclusion

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Room: Cinema

Climate change - Leave no one behind: rallying forced to direct climate finance to places affected by conflict and fragility

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Room: Riverside 1 

Access - Lost in Transition: Lessons from humanitarian-development aid response tranisition planning in Iraq and Libya

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Room: Riverside 6

Funding Gap - Next-generation humanitarian partnerships: pushing the agenda on quality funding and localisation

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Room: Cinema

Access - Humanitarian access impediments: the reality of the frontline

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Room: Riverside 1 

Funding Gap - Managing food crises differently: enhance humanitarian investments in agricultural livelihoods

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Room: Riverside 6

Access - Gang violence, humanitarian access and protection challenges: the case of Haiti

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Closing: 17:30-18:00

Room: Auditorium

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