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From a Humanitarian to a Development-led approach: what is needed to achieve nationally own and locally led solutions to internal displacement?





Internal displacement has become a global concern. Due to violence and conflict, or the impacts of climate change and natural disasters, over 70 million people have now been forcibly displaced within their own countries, and more than half of them live in or near cities. Enabling internally displaced persons (IDPs) to find a resolution to their displacement situations requires government leadership, as well as joint approaches to accompany governments, with the strong engagement of development and peace actors in addition to humanitarian ones.

Through deep-dive discussions with panel members, this session will focus on how countries facing protracted internal displacement situations can better combine humanitarian assistance and sustainable development to provide nationally owned and locally-led solutions to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and affected communities

Organisers: UNDP, UNHCR, IOM


  • Mr. Robert Piper, United Nations Secretary General's, Special Adviser on Solutions to Internal Displacement.
  • Ms. Regina Antequisa, Executive Director Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits (ECOWEB).
  • Mr. Auke Lootsma, United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative in Iraq
  • Mr. David Gressly, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen
  • Ms. Zahra Abdi Mohamed, Director for Durable Solutions and M&E, Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development, Somalia


Ms. Erica Gerretsen, Director of Human Development, Migration, Governance, and Peace (INTPA.G)

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