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The aim of the session is to discuss the importance of early warning systems in informing decision-making, mitigating impact of disasters and fostering preparedness action as well as to re-position ‘early warning and action’ not only as a humanitarian topic, but also as a development and climate issue. With climate-related disasters displacing more people than conflict, UN Secretary-General António Guterres launched a plan post COP27 to ensure that everyone on the planet is protected by early warning systems within the next five years (Early Warning for All initiative). In this context, the session aims at examining what are the challenges and gap of early warning systems and what critical investments are needed in the respective pillars of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus to build effective early warning systems. Furthermore, the session will discuss the ways the aid community could engage with local authorities and/or communities to co-design an effective and innovative early warning system reaching the exposed people and enabling them to react appropriately. Last but not least, the session aims to raise awareness on the existing early warning systems at global level that could support the humanitarian aid community to better prepare for and respond to disasters.

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